Founder Note & Message
Here is the founder note and message.

Welcome to the Civil Quest blog. This blog is created just for the purpose to help students learn their subject easily because it contains enough contents to help a Civil Engineering student through out his graduation.
This engineering blog is launched on 1 July 2018.
Civil engineering is everything you see that’s been built around us. It’s about roads and railways, schools, offices, hospitals, water and power supply and much more. The kinds of things we take for granted but would find life very hard to live without.
Here in the blog will contain everything happening around us in the world about civil engineering. There will be videos regarding different topics e.g. from environmental side of view " Let's make our world a greener place" and etcectra...
There will be much more besides this. so keep visiting the blog. I am sure this will help you a lot.
Thank you!
Fakhere Alam
Civil Engineering (IP)
UET Peshawar Jalozai Campus